
2MCE is a domain partner but is not affiliated with Bathurst Election Coverage.

In-depth election coverage is a missing element of pre-existing news platforms in Bathurst, with Charles Sturt University journalism students seeking to address this gap through the development of BEC.

Bathurst Election Coverage (BEC) provides Bathurst and the Central West community with impartial and reflexive coverage of local issues and topics.

Our objective is to ensure the community is well-informed about candidates. BEC will provide background information on tickets and policies, presenting a holistic view of all parties involved.

Ultimately, our goal is to independently inform the community of Bathurst in an objective way, in turn allowing individuals to cast an informed vote.

BEC reporters can be heard talking local elections on the 4PM 2MCE Afternoon Drive show.

The views and opinions expressed on this website are of the individual reporters or interviewed talent and are not representative of the views of Charles Sturt University.
