Bob Singleton


Bob Singleton is the lead candidate on the ‘Change is Needed’ ticket. Bob has lived in Bathurst for the past 12 years and is a business graduate from Charles Sturt University. 

The Change is Needed ticket supports programs that encourage a “drought-proof water supply” and promoting “Bathurst’s events, historical assets and villages” will foster tourism growth for the city. Other policies include safe and convenient parking within the CBD and sustainability.

Bob has a keen interest in technology and how it could advance the city of Bathurst, specifically with his policy, the Smart Community Initiatives. By implementing technology infrastructure, community engagement and connectivity, Bob aims to evolve our community and generate real improvements. Bob has taken inspiration from the Canterbury Bankstown council with their smart city roadmap. 

Bob’s ticket includes a group of three other individuals – Graham Withers, Carol Lewington and Di Austin. Their professional backgrounds are a mixture of economic development, health and administration and heritage and the arts.

Find a more detailed chat with Mr Singleton here

